Circular hike around the slopes of the Moelwyns

4 mile hike skirting across the slopes of the Moelwyns, using a very convenient old tramway bed. The start point from the road is already quite high, which makes the onward ascent towards Moelwyn Mawr much easier.
Old tramway
Parking is roadside on the gated minor road between Tan-y-Bwlch and Croesor, uphill from the entrance to Penrallt (farm).

Parking at roadside summit of minor road


What to bring

Wear stout footwear, and expect it to be boggy in places. Bring a packed lunch, which we can eat while resting high up on the tramway, whilst admiring the sweeping view down to Croesor.

Moelwyn Bach
Head of the incline
Obstacles: There is only a one low stile, high up on Moelwyn Mawr and about half way round the route.

Contemplating the stile on Moelwyn Mawr

The ascent is a long steady slope. Can be boggy after rain. You may want to scramble around the old mine buildings, but otherwise the going and the gradient is fairly even.

Quarry buildings
There maybe a few sheep grazing on the open moorland, but the vegetation is poor and so they are usually few and far between! It can be a bit damp and windswept.

Gate out onto the open moorland